Baldi's Brand New Game Plus Q&A

Hello, it's me again! 2 exciting devlogs in one day! Anyways, I just wanted to show you some questions and answers regarding Baldi's Brand New Game Plus!

Q: What is Baldi's Brand New Game Plus?

A: Baldi's Brand New Game Plus is the ultimate version of the classic mod, which even has a random level generator!

Q: Will it be free?

A: Yes, absolutely!

Q: Will it be open source?

A: No, it will not be open source, because Mystman12 and JohnsterSpaceProgram don't want the level generator to be open source.

Make sure to... comment "Plus, not Minus" and attach a custom Poster or Chalkboard image in the comments of this post to get your cool custom Poster OR Chalkboard in the mod! You will not only get your poster in the mod, but you will also see your username in the credits! If you don't want your username in the credits for the custom Poster/Chalkboard, just reply to your comment with "No Username"!

Also! Just to clarify, you can only submit ONE custom Poster/Chalkboard per account! This new system will make it easier to implement them, as there were too many being submitted at once! This also makes it so that you can submit custom Chalkboards as well!

Get Baldi's Brand New Game!


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Plus, not Minus Here Is A another Poster

Alright! I will see if this one works, and if it flips again, then I don't know what to tell you.

(1 edit)

I hate to burst your bubble, but it still flips the image. I don't know what else I can do. I will just use your first poster submission and recreate it from scratch.

Does this look good? I tried my best to recreate it properly. It will be added in version 1.0!


Plus, not Minus Here is my custom Poster submission.

This is such a good Poster! Thanks for submitting it, and I will add it to the mod, as well as adding your username to the mod's credits!

Sorry, your Poster would keep flipping backward, and I could not fix it, please try submitting another Poster.

OK But I Will Make A another Poster. Soon

Sorry, it would just flip the poster backward and I tried everything I could to fix it, but couldn't.

Also, version 0.7 is out now! So you should definitely check that out when you have the time! It's packed with several new features and adjustments!


Plus, not Minus. Here is my custom chalkboard submission.

(2 edits)

This is such a good Chalkboard! Thanks for submitting it, and I will add it to the mod, as well as adding your username to the mod's credits!

Version 0.7 is out now! So you should definitely check that out when you have the time! It's packed with several new features and adjustments!