Baldi's Brand New Game Plus - Progress Update

Hello, this post is just here to let you know that the project has been changed. It will no longer have random levels, as I really wanted to make it open-source, but there is some good news! The project will be just like the original, but it will contain way more than the original ever had, including new and improved menus, challenges, and more!

Speaking of which, check out Baldi's Brand New Game Plus! Which is coming very soon!

Get Baldi's Brand New Game!


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This achievement his at big items.

Name: 5 Bsodas, 3 Alarm Clocks, And 5 Zesty Bars.

Description: Shoot 5 Bsodas, Time 3 Alarm Clocks, And Eat 5 Zesty Bars.

Achievement to 2.1 Version for BFNSRUE Plus!

Hay BaldiSercuz! What Is BFNSRUE Plus!